61-63 Uxbridge Road, London W5





15-25 Helles Avenue, Moorebank,

NSW 2170



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Pickering Drive, Albany, Auckland


Published 1998 by Bantam Press a division

of Transworld Publishers Ltd


Copyright Anne McCaffrey 1998


The right of Anne McCaffrey to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.


All of the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.


ISBN 0593 037766


All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise.  without the prior permission of the publishers.


Typeset in 11/12 pt Linotype Times by

Falcon Oast

Graphic Art


Printed in Great Britain by


Mackays of Chatham Plc, Chatham, Kent.


Anne McCaffrey - The Master Harper of Pern
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_000.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_001.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_002.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_003.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_004.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_005.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_006.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_007.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_008.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_009.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_010.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_011.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_012.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_013.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_014.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_015.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_016.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_017.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_018.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_019.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_020.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_021.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_022.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_023.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_024.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_025.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_026.htm
Anne McCaffrey - Master harper of Pern_split_027.htm